
Friday, October 10, 2008

Bottom Line

Going around an idea or insisting a different point of view does happen. Theres a saying that , the ends does not justify the means. Exploring further, the tendency to do things within the normal way were usually aborted in order to gain mileage with respect to accomplishment or schedule. The scenario also applies to other areas of human interests just like relationships.
People fall prey to some temptations, many factors usually give way on it. During these time rises conflicts that might result in unpleasant relationship stages. Armored with reasoning and selfish alibis, correcting mistakes will not be of essence as the bottom line goes on honesty at a given space and time. The best way could be acceptance of fault and weakness,facing what lies ahead and give all the best to show the worth that had loss its value.
Most important is love remains and will stay to really find each other. Time will not be wasted and vital lessons are learned.

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